Title: Animated Postcard: An Ode to the Outdoors
Media: Animation, Adobe After Effects
Date Created: February 21. 2024
Description: This animated postcard captures the tranquility of nature through soft transitions, scenic landscapes, and floating text. Designed to evoke the calm and beauty of the outdoors, it offers viewers a peaceful visual escape.
Media: Animation, Adobe After Effects
Date Created: February 21. 2024
Description: This animated postcard captures the tranquility of nature through soft transitions, scenic landscapes, and floating text. Designed to evoke the calm and beauty of the outdoors, it offers viewers a peaceful visual escape.
Title: Arts Engaged Students: Animated Infographic
Media: Animation, Adobe After Effects
Date Created: October 30, 2024
Description: This animated infographic explores the powerful impact of arts education on student engagement. The animation uses bold typography, vivid colors, and dynamic icons to present key statistics, showcasing how arts involvement can lead to higher academic success, increased motivation, and better emotional well-being. The piece aims to inform and inspire support for arts programs in schools by making the data accessible and visually compelling.
Media: Animation, Adobe After Effects
Date Created: October 30, 2024
Description: This animated infographic explores the powerful impact of arts education on student engagement. The animation uses bold typography, vivid colors, and dynamic icons to present key statistics, showcasing how arts involvement can lead to higher academic success, increased motivation, and better emotional well-being. The piece aims to inform and inspire support for arts programs in schools by making the data accessible and visually compelling.
Title: Lucky Minnows Animated Logo
Media: Animation, Adobe After Effects
Date Created: September 25, 2024
Description: This animated logo represents my own fictional brand "Lucky Minnows Bait and Tackle," a playful bait and tackle shop concept. The animation begins with a bobber floating on water, setting the scene before a fish leaps up, creating ripples and adding movement. As the fish jumps, the name "Lucky Minnows" appears in a flowing, wave-like font, capturing the fun and energetic vibe of the brand. This piece showcases dynamic motion and water-themed design elements that reflect a lively, outdoorsy spirit, perfect for a fishing-themed brand.
Media: Animation, Adobe After Effects
Date Created: September 25, 2024
Description: This animated logo represents my own fictional brand "Lucky Minnows Bait and Tackle," a playful bait and tackle shop concept. The animation begins with a bobber floating on water, setting the scene before a fish leaps up, creating ripples and adding movement. As the fish jumps, the name "Lucky Minnows" appears in a flowing, wave-like font, capturing the fun and energetic vibe of the brand. This piece showcases dynamic motion and water-themed design elements that reflect a lively, outdoorsy spirit, perfect for a fishing-themed brand.